Bronze Sculpture of Great Beings

Masa Rasa presents bronze sculptural work of Great Beings who embody the eternal Subject - the Universal Self.  These works are representations of renowned spiritual teachers  - Gurus, Sages, and Yogis -  from the mystical landscape that is India.   Their message is unanimous and unwavering . . .

                                                                                             "You are what you seek, you are the Divine Self.  God lives within you, as you.” 


Please note:   The online store has been paused for the time being, feel free to browse.     To order, please contact Masa Rasa directly.  Commissions are accepted.  


In the tradition of the sacred sculpture of India, a work of art representative of a Divine Being is known as a murti  -  a likeness infused with the same power of Consciousness embodied by these spiritual masters.  These are murtis of Great Beings who teach the highest truth, inviting us on an inward journey of love and wisdom, while remembering our own divinity.   

Masa Rasa bronze sculptures are created one at a time and from the purest bronze available. We employ two of the best foundries in the country to cast our work. Foundry production time is usually around two months, from start to finish.  The Panchaloha process is also available upon request, an ancient method of casting set forth in the Indian scriptures.  Panchaloha means 'Five Metals,' a casting process in which gold and silver are added to the crucible to enable the innate qualities of the bronze to shine all the brighter.

All Masa Rasa bronze sculptures are castings of original art created by artist  James Nichols.   © 2013-2024