James Nichols




James Nichols lives and works as an artist.  As a young man with roots in Oklahoma, and after completing a fine art education with honors at the University of Michigan, he journeyed across the United States and on to India.  There the artist spent time and found peace at the feet of his spiritual master and Guru, Baba Muktananda, who imparted this instruction regarding the creation of art: 

        “Paint as you meditate, with Beauty and Truth, work to uplift yourself and others.  Always do your best and create from your own Self, from the Heart.”


Muktananda also said to him, "you should sculpt" and gave him the name Satyavan which means 'truthful.'  Satyavan Jim returned to America and, in addition to sculpting, adopted the craft of illustration in order to support and raise a family of three wonderful children, working full time as a self employed artist for over 30 years.  All the while he has maintained his own studio practice in painting and sculpture, focusing on artistic explorations around the subject of Consciousness, aka  The Subject. 


Currently, James is working on a global exhibit entitled  Cornfield - An Artstorya multimedia environment expressed in painting, sculpture, cinema, and the written word.   At the same time he continues to expand the offerings in the 'Great Beings' collection of bronze sculpture.  Those efforts form the whole of Masa Rasa Studios, where  Thou Art That  sums up the essence of love and life  –  with an emphasis on Art, and a tip of the hat to Thou and That.                     







                                                        Stroll to the Lake    48"H x 60"W   Oil on linen  




        Concept rendering of the Cornfield  space (76' diameter) with murals, lighting, cinema, and sculpture.                    





                                                                                                           Artwork and design  © James Nichols 1976-2023    All rights reserved